This may seem like an unusual title for a Christmas article, but is it really? “Steady as she goes,”is a nautical term, and has been in use for centuries. I googled it to see when it began to be used, but could not find a date. I can hear the captain of a pirate ship shout out “Steady as she goes mate!” (I watched my share of pirate movies as a child). If you think about the saying, it implies several things. It can be a command from the captain to the helmsman to keep the current course, or to get back on course if the helmsman drifted, but it also implies that things are going in the right direction. Can we say that about our lives – that we are going in the right direction? Is it more of “I’ll take my best shot”, and see what happens? How did a captain make sure that they were on the right course? He navigated using a map, a compass and in earlier days, the stars. He had to have a good knowledge of the constellations before all the navigation equipment was invented. What “navigation equipment” do we use? I would say the stock market to get a good feel of the economy, but it has its ups and downs – no pun intended. We may use money in general, but with the cost increase in domestic goods such as food, housing, and clothing, it’s hard to gauge where we stand with our budgets. There are cost increases in the landscaping field as well. The materials we use to put together landscapes, such as soil, boulders, irrigation parts, plants and especially lumber have gone up in cost. From the time I write out an estimate to the time we start the job, prices could have changed, especially with lumber.

“Steady as she goes” not only implies being on the right course, but within that course there is a sense of security. As a young man going through college, it meant a lot to have my dad say to me “Steady as she goes”, having been a sailor himself. His words gave me encouragement and security. My dad has since passed, and there is no one to say steady as she goes, yet I find my security in my faith. That has become my compass and
map, particularly the scriptures, where I can always find words of encouragement. I have a personality that likes to tease my clients, and so at times they will ask me how I know what to do. I will jokingly say, “we fake it till we make it.” It is always said with a smile, and hopefully a twinkle in my eyes. My men and I have been in landscaping for 24 years now, so there is not much we can’t handle or haven’t done. I have such confidence, and so for our nervous clients, I can assure them that all will be fine. Experience has given myself and my men this confidence. They are extensions of me, and without them I could not do what I do.
Back to my question, are you going “steady as she goes” or are you going to “fake it till you make it,” and hope that you are making the right decisions? I have now been married for 42 years and it took work, forgiveness, many late-night talks, and most of all faith in a God that makes no mistakes, though at times it may appear so. Faith in a God who does not make mistakes is my compass, map and stars that I navigate by, just as the captains of old. These navigational tools are what assured these captains that they were going to arrive at their destination, and not end up at another continent, state or port. Are you navigating correctly? Will you reach your destination, and do you know what it is? Maybe your destination or port is to be financially secure, achieve status at work, or have that dream job. Maybe your goal is more domestic, like raising successful kids. This is a great goal, as is to stay married to the wife of your youth, which seems way too dispensable these days. There are many destinations and choosing the right one is of utmost importance.
For the older group, there is the question of Eternity. Do I really know what awaits me when I pass away? Is it six feet in the ground, or is there more? Each main faith has their belief. In the “Honor Cultures”, to die nobly honoring your family so
you can spend Eternity with your ancestors is the goal. In the Eastern cultures, one becomes part of the Great Cosmos, and the goal of this faith is to lose any sense of self, for it is “self” that causes the wars, violence, division and pain in the world. For the Arab cultures, death is joyful for the male because he will inherit a harem of women. This is totally a man’s religion. However, for the Christian faith, Jesus said something very comforting to one of the men being crucified with him.

Luke 23
“There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Speaking to all those who participated in his crucifixion and beatings and to all of humanity. His death purchased our right to ask for forgiveness.
And then later we have these words…
“Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
Jesus’ words assured the criminal that he was pardoned, and Heaven awaited him. He died in peace. My interpretation of Jesus’s words in response to his request is you are almost home, or “Steady as She Goes.” There can be no greater question
answered or comfort than this one. I know I am getting personal, but cancer surgery is extremely personal, and yet it must be done to save a life. I liken this to that. There is no greater need of man than to have the assurance that he is going “Steady as She Goes” through life, and that he will arrive at the desired destination. Do you agree?
God Bless you and Merry Christmas,
P.S I write a monthly blog called Vida4U that is faith based and its intent is to challenge us, encourage us and keep us “Steady as She Goes.” If you are interested in receiving it send an email to